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Urban Sketching Cafe

in Frankfurt

when:   04/21/24

where:  Cafe in the Liebighaus Frankfurt

            from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m

            (afterwards once a month every Sunday from 11:00 a.m.

            to 2:00 p.m in changing locations, preferably in cafes,

            in public places or parks) 


Fill your sketchbooks with wonderful paintings and colorful memories and capture the urban atmosphere of Frankfurt's cityscapes with Verena Heil in a relaxed atmosphere among like-minded people. 

Each of our sketching events will focus on one topic, e.g. we discuss color relationships, tonal values, shapes, light and shadow, perspective, composition, focus and much more...


Beginners are welcome! 


Get to know the most beautiful corners of Frankfurt. The respective location will be announced in good time. We will preferably meet in one of Frankfurt's beautiful cafes, but we also have the opportunity to sketch the colorful hustle and bustle of Frankfurt in parks or public places. If you have an idea about the location, please write to me, I'm always open to suggestions.

Pack your sketchbook and painting supplies and register now!


You learn:

-to create an expressive image composition based on a tonal value study

-simplified to sketch

-Create color harmonies

-One and two point perspectives to create more depth in the image

-Sketch figures

-A closer look at focus and image composition

and much more!


-You will be supported in your work and given recommendations for improvement.

Be brave and become part of the great watercolor community!


Material list:
commercially available artist-quality watercolor paints, your own color palette that you feel comfortable with


The following list is for guidance only, Verena Heil uses the colors of Daniel Smith and Winsor and Newton

French ultramarine
Cobalt Blue
Burnt Sienna 
Quinacridone Orange
Alizarin Crimson (Winsor and Newton)
Yellow ocher
Chinese White 
Pyroll Scarlet

You can also use your existing similar colors

Cerulean Blue
Pyrol Orange
Neutral tint
Green Turquoise
Indian Red




your existing brushes, you need a medium-sized mop or flat brush, one or two medium sizes in natural hair and a finer synthetic hair brush for the details.

aside from that:
Kitchen roll
possibly adhesive tape (normal paper tape/adhesive tape from the hardware store)
Soft pencil (e.g. 2B, 4B or 6B)

Graphite pen optional

Water container

good mood :)

Price: €12 (if you bring your own painting supplies)

I look forward to you!!


Register now 

where: Cafe Liebieghaus, Schaumainkai 71, 60595 Frankfurt

Thank you for registering. We'll see each other soon.



mobile: +49/176/31635738

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"The artist's job is to represent what is between the object and the artist, the beauty of the atmosphere" (Claude Monet)

© 2017 by Verena Heil

Verena Heil, Mozartstrasse 23, 65795 Hattersheim

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